一秒檢測電池是否沒電,不用再靠測電器了!(Amazing Way to Test Batteries!)

這方法真的很簡單,也有科學根據,那至於準不準確就是測試者的問題囉 XD


It turns out that when the alkaline in a battery wears down, it produces a gas that fills the inside. So if you've got a box of random batteries you want to test, and don't have access to a voltmeter or any other device, you can simply drop them vertically a short distance onto a hard surface. A charged battery will make a solid thump sound and often remain standing, while a dead battery makes a muffled sound, bounces repeatedly, and then topples over.

What could be easier? (That doesn't involve your tongue or mild electric shocks.) [YouTube via The Awesomer]




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