簡單來說,Imgur 支援 Https 了!

如題,就這樣  (廢
好啦... 根據官方消息「100 million uniques, higher upload limits, and HTTPS support」,由於感謝 Imgur 的使用突破百萬用戶,將開放一些上船限制以及開始支援加密的 https 連線!
In the past year, Imgur has rounded out our platform offering to extend the image sharing experience from the web to mobile with an iOS app, an Android app, and the Imgur Meme Generator. Today, we are thrilled to announce that Imgur is now seeing 100 million monthly unique users!

在過去一年中,Imgur 除了 Web 介面外,更是進入了 iOS app 以及 Android app 還有 Imgur Meme Generator。終於在今天(9/26)突破了每個月百萬獨立用戶!

Since day one, we've dedicated ourselves to building the best possible user experience for Imgurians. We prioritize our creative community and encourage everyone to take charge of their experience. With the help of your support and feedback, we're making sure this experience stays awesome as we grow and evolve, and we appreciate your support in helping us reach this incredible milestone.

Imgur's service now supports more than 1,200,000,000 daily image views that are core to information sharing channels, the most popular and highly trafficked social networks, massive online communities, popular pop culture blogs and web forums for all kinds of content. To continue to offer you the best 「no limits」 image hosting experience available online, we have added HTTPS support sitewide to allow for secure browsing all across Imgur. We have also decreased the limitations to allow you to upload larger filetypes with lower compression. These limits vary for anonymous users, registered account holders and pro users.

via: http://imgur.com/blog/2013/09/26/100-million-uniques-higher-upload-limits-and-https-support/

所以說支援 https 帶來了什麼?我用不知道從哪撿來的圖示範一下  (看不出來好嗎

然後聽說是用 CloudFlare 的 CDN 加速的...
P.s 英文下面那一段懶得翻譯了自己看 XD




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