A Good User Interface has high conversion rates and is easy to use . In other words, it's nice to both the business side as well as the people using it. Here is a running list of practical ideas to try out. All is read. Sign up for updates. 優異的使用者介面(user interface,UI)讓使用者用得順心,從而提高轉換率(conversion rate),換言之,好的 UI 在使用與銷售層面上形成雙贏。UI 設計師 Jakub Linowski 列出 16 點改善 UI 的訣竅,而這份清單仍在繼續累積,有興趣的讀者可以 訂閱他的電子報 ,隨時獲得最新的 UI 祕訣。