Google Web Proxy 讓您快速繞過網站封鎖!
說到 Google Proxy 很多人應該會想到 GAppProxy 一個在 GAE 環境中以 Python 建立的 Proxy 代理伺服器,不過這不是我們今天要介紹的東西...

今天要介紹三個 Google 服務,讓我們當網頁代理來用
Google Translate,容易跑版,顯示不良,需手動設置目標語言,不然會被翻譯...
Google Translate Proxy (bookmarklet)
Advantage: This is the most popular Google proxy and the download web pages looks exactly like the original provided the domains serving the images and CSS aren't blocked at your place.
這是 Google 的一個行動裝置模擬服務,用這個當 Proxy 最大的缺點之一就是它會禁用 JavaScript
Next in the list is Google's Mobilizer service. Google has discontinued the main mobilizer service on (secure) but you can still access it through any country-specific Google domain like or The URL would be:Google Mobilizer Proxy (bookmarklet)
Advantage: The presentation (CSS) isn't retained but this mode is perfect for reading text-heavy pages and do have the option of disabling inline images for faster loading.
這是 Google 的一個小工具服務,可以完整顯現網頁不跑版,也支援 JavaScript 以及檔案下載
The domain is part of the Google personalized homepage service and is primarily used for hosting gadgets that are available for the Google homepage.Google Modules Proxy (bookmarklet)
不過這些 Google Proxy 還是有些缺點,例如前兩個就是透明代理,可以反追蹤,另外,由於網址是明碼傳遞,導致還是有辦法阻擋網頁瀏覽
今天要介紹三個 Google 服務,讓我們當網頁代理來用
1. Google Translate as a Proxy
Google Translate,容易跑版,顯示不良,需手動設置目標語言,不然會被翻譯...
To use Google Translate as a proxy, set the destination language as the actual language of the page and the source language as anything but the destination language.
For instance, if you are to access a page written in English, set the destination language (tl) in the translate URL as 「en」 and the source language (sl) as 「ja」 for Japanese. (example)
Advantage: This is the most popular Google proxy and the download web pages looks exactly like the original provided the domains serving the images and CSS aren't blocked at your place.
2. Google Mobilizer as a Proxy
這是 Google 的一個行動裝置模擬服務,用這個當 Proxy 最大的缺點之一就是它會禁用 JavaScript
Next in the list is Google's Mobilizer service. Google has discontinued the main mobilizer service on (secure) but you can still access it through any country-specific Google domain like or The URL would be:
Advantage: The presentation (CSS) isn't retained but this mode is perfect for reading text-heavy pages and do have the option of disabling inline images for faster loading.
3. Google Modules as a Proxy
這是 Google 的一個小工具服務,可以完整顯現網頁不跑版,也支援 JavaScript 以及檔案下載
The domain is part of the Google personalized homepage service and is primarily used for hosting gadgets that are available for the Google homepage.
Advantage: This is the only Google proxy that will let you download files (like PDFs, .MP4 videos, etc) in addition to viewing regular web pages.