[OSX] ntfsMounter 讓 MAC 也能讀寫 NTFS!
這還需要猜嗎?MS 微軟看不起支援 MAC 磁碟格式,難道要比爾去拜託賈伯斯嗎;Apple 不爽支援 MS-NTFS,難道要賈伯斯去拜託比爾嗎...
所以大概就是這樣吧 XDDD
為了解決著個不方便的問題,有很多軟體都可以讓 OSX 能夠寫入 NTFS 格式的磁碟中,在看了幾個之後,覺得今天要介紹的這個是最方便,最簡單,最可愛(?)的一個了~
A simple utility designed to mount NTFS volumes in read/write mode.
Although not officially supported, Snow Leopard is now able to mount NTFS volumes with both read and write support.
NTFS Mounter simply uses this ability, and provides a simple user interface to the mount command for NTFS volumes.
User interface is very similar to AirPort : simply click on the icon to display a menu with NTFS volumes name and select the volume you want to write on.
原理不清楚,不過聽說「從 Mac OSX 10.6 系統開始蘋果系統已經內置對 NTFS 寫入功能,但蘋果沒有公開說明」所以感覺上 ntfsMounter 只是個開關,很方便好使用
- 軟體名稱:ntfsMounter
- 軟體版本:v0.4
- 系統支援:OSX
- 官方網站:http://ntfsmounter.com/
- 軟體下載:點此下載
首先,下載 ntfsMounter 並從 dmg 映像檔中將 ntfsMounter 拖曳至 Applications 資料夾中進行安裝
First, install the application from the dmg package by dragging the application icon to your application folder.
At first launch, you will have to authenticate with your administration password to allow the application to mount volumes.
An black cat icon will be added to your status menu.
點擊黑貓之後就會搜尋有沒有連接的磁碟是 NTFS 格式
Clicking to the icon will search for NTFS volumes connected to your computer.
When search is complete, you will have a list of your available NTFS volumes. Just click on one of them to mount it.
You will have to eject the volume first if it has been automatically mounted by your system. NTFS Mounter won't eject the volume by itself to avoid any other applications to crash if they are accessing files on the volume.
Once you have ejected the volume, you can try to select it again from the menu.
感覺上比其他要安裝要破解要輸入指令的簡單好用多了,就是不知道在效能上會不會有影響,傳檔案速度感覺跟一般 M$ 沒太大差別,且完全免費。