Random User Generator 幫您製造一個身分!
RandomUser is an API that provides you with a randomly generated user. These users can be used as placeholders in web mockups, and will save you time from creating your own placeholder information.
然後其實是 json 格式...
RandomUser is an API that provides you with a randomly generated user. These users can be used as placeholders in web mockups, and will save you time from creating your own placeholder information.
- 網站名稱:Random User Generator
- 網站網址:http://randomuser.me/
然後其實是 json 格式...
{ results: [{ user: { gender: "female", name: { title: "mrs", first: "mia", last: "evans" }, location: { street: "7159 edwards rd", city: "seymour", state: "pennsylvania", zip: "37284" }, email: "mia.evans22@example.com", password: "godfather", md5 hash: "15d628391f0eb58d7724041ab9a12ae2", sha1 hash: "58be9e2c7f22cd75d7af3c9e175b6465b280d61d", phone: "(471)-543-4073", cell: "(651)-308-4754", SSN: "160-76-1677", picture: "http://api.randomuser.me/0.2/portraits/women/17.jpg" }, seed: "smallRabbit" }] }
$.ajax({ url: 'http://api.randomuser.me/', dataType: 'json', success: function(data){ console.log(data); } });所以說如果以後要創一堆帳號可能用的到...吧?